Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wall Street? Morons, Bufoons, and Idiots In My Opinion

It never fails to amaze me how lacking in vision, innovation, and commonsense the managers in the capitalist system can be. Having worked in industry all my working life other than maybe 2 years, I have seen many apparently intelligent people make mistakes that a 15 year old would not make. The commonality in these mistakes seems to be a case of being unable to listen, and being unable to go backwards far enough to determine root causes, preferring instead to take corrective action by getting the lower levels to work harder but not smarter.

I will keep this short and try to make it readable:

1 - Capitalism cannot continue indefinitely, as it depends on expansion that is limited by energy.

2 - Every political system is corrupt at one level or another.

3 - A change to communism would not fix the global economy, but the capitalist system has to change to something new.

4 - The money-suppliers to the capitalist system have been accelerating their extraction of funds above what is reasonable or ultimately possible.

5 - The old socialist theory about how the masses of the population must have the money (in earnings) to buy the goods that they create appears to be taking effect.

6 - The money taken by the investors creates no wealth or added value to the corporation. It merely robs the masses who do add value of their purchasing power.

7 - Like the legal system, the political and economic systems globally depend upon the confidence of the people, as well as the respect of the people.

8 - The US economy no longer has the respect of the average American, in fact, I would say that the average American is fed up with seeing the rich get richer by forcing the poor to get poorer.

9 - The current issue is not just about mortgages, it is about the rich gouging the poor, and the selling of goods and services using lies.

10 - The US Government as well as the Wall Street crowd have been so intent on using their power in a self-serving manner, that they have failed to heed the signs of the big picture.

So, what does this all mean? Well, it means that George Bush and his advisers have formulated a plan that makes a start on changing how the system works. This has to be done. To do nothing is to perpetuate the current failure of the global capitalist system.
It will allow greater accountability (even though there is masses of stupidity and corruption in any governmental system, it is less than in a government supported corporate system where the corrupt corporations are not even checked by the governmental systems - food safety is a great example in a smaller sense).
The snag for Wall Street is that their thievery has to stop. Their hand has to come out of the cookie jar, the game is up. And they don't like that.
I cannot, for the life of me understand just how imbecilic these Wall Street idiots are. They are so locked onto personal gain, and easy money that they just don't get it.
They are like fools stranded on a desert island who will not pay the price of a passage to leave there, as the price is 'too high', and will leave them poor.
Hand out the guns to Wall Street, they want to shoot themselves in the feet!


Anonymous said...

This is the beginning of the worst world economic catastrophe to hit and you will hear government of certain country goes bankrupt.

Rocky said...

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