Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Here's How To Fix The World Economy

Those pinhead stock market morons who manipulate share prices are still at it.
They have now upped the pace to make it so that share prices go both high then low on the same day. This allows them to buy low, then sell high, and make millions.

Here's how to fix the world economy.
Pass a temporary law making it so that shares that move more than 2 percent a day get locked up from trading for a week.
That way, they can decline gracefully over a longer term, and these morons who are raping the world economies can be forced to accept what the rest of us have to accept - that when shares drop, we all lose money, or should do.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

More Proof That Executives Are Stupid

I just read that the executives at AIG insurance company went on a junket to a spa that cost nearly half a million bucks, and this took place just after the company got the 80 million or so bailout from the US government.

These executive idiots just have no commonsense at all. Even a petty thief lays low once they are in public view.

They appear to have the Elvis Presley syndrome - they are so used to having their own way, living in their ivory towers, that they are accountable to no-one.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wall Street? Morons, Bufoons, and Idiots In My Opinion

It never fails to amaze me how lacking in vision, innovation, and commonsense the managers in the capitalist system can be. Having worked in industry all my working life other than maybe 2 years, I have seen many apparently intelligent people make mistakes that a 15 year old would not make. The commonality in these mistakes seems to be a case of being unable to listen, and being unable to go backwards far enough to determine root causes, preferring instead to take corrective action by getting the lower levels to work harder but not smarter.

I will keep this short and try to make it readable:

1 - Capitalism cannot continue indefinitely, as it depends on expansion that is limited by energy.

2 - Every political system is corrupt at one level or another.

3 - A change to communism would not fix the global economy, but the capitalist system has to change to something new.

4 - The money-suppliers to the capitalist system have been accelerating their extraction of funds above what is reasonable or ultimately possible.

5 - The old socialist theory about how the masses of the population must have the money (in earnings) to buy the goods that they create appears to be taking effect.

6 - The money taken by the investors creates no wealth or added value to the corporation. It merely robs the masses who do add value of their purchasing power.

7 - Like the legal system, the political and economic systems globally depend upon the confidence of the people, as well as the respect of the people.

8 - The US economy no longer has the respect of the average American, in fact, I would say that the average American is fed up with seeing the rich get richer by forcing the poor to get poorer.

9 - The current issue is not just about mortgages, it is about the rich gouging the poor, and the selling of goods and services using lies.

10 - The US Government as well as the Wall Street crowd have been so intent on using their power in a self-serving manner, that they have failed to heed the signs of the big picture.

So, what does this all mean? Well, it means that George Bush and his advisers have formulated a plan that makes a start on changing how the system works. This has to be done. To do nothing is to perpetuate the current failure of the global capitalist system.
It will allow greater accountability (even though there is masses of stupidity and corruption in any governmental system, it is less than in a government supported corporate system where the corrupt corporations are not even checked by the governmental systems - food safety is a great example in a smaller sense).
The snag for Wall Street is that their thievery has to stop. Their hand has to come out of the cookie jar, the game is up. And they don't like that.
I cannot, for the life of me understand just how imbecilic these Wall Street idiots are. They are so locked onto personal gain, and easy money that they just don't get it.
They are like fools stranded on a desert island who will not pay the price of a passage to leave there, as the price is 'too high', and will leave them poor.
Hand out the guns to Wall Street, they want to shoot themselves in the feet!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Gas Prices VS Oil Prices

So, the oil goes down, the gas goes up.
This is a classic.

The thing that has prevented the oil refining companies from making even more profits is the perception of the public that gas should go down when oil goes down.

Now they have broken that connection, so it will be free-for-all time. Whenever they want, they can shut a refinery down for a few hours, then jack prices across the board and blame the shutdown.

This is a classic example of why we are in the hole we are all in. The raping of corporate funds by the investors to satisfy the need for short term personal gains.

Now the next step will be that the oil price will increase, and the gas will go up more and the oil price will be given as a reason for the increase.

No wonder the public globally has poor confidence levels in corporations. They appear to be a proven pack of liars in many respects, always finding a reason for making more money. Taking out 'profits' as the corporation fails over a period of time. These 'profits' are not actually profits of course, they are they property of other smaller investors who might not have enough clout to influence the prices by creating false scenarios.

Well done, all you "Captains Of Industry". You manage to make personal gains upon the backs of those who are disadvantaged, as well as those who actually do the value adding to the corporation by doing a fair days work, while you do as much work as a hobo on a park bench. And society actually looks up to you with respect, rather than treating you as the leeches upon society that you really are.

Enjoy that public respect, it won't last a lot longer, as the public begin to understand the deceit and self-serving gains you are in the business of making for yourselves. Soon, if there is any justice in the world, you will be looked upon in the same manner that we now view drunk drivers - as totally unacceptable to society and as leeches upon public funds.

Friday, September 12, 2008

School Communications - Should I Care?

As each day of the new school year passes, I get handed a new piece of paper that is in the name of communication. They generally refer to problems that I never knew had existed, and the solutions that were going to be applied to them.

This is often written in a kind of code, using scholarly terminology that I am unaware of, as it is not used in England, where I am from. In fact, in England, they just get on with it.

So, I have this "They protesteth too much" kind of feeling about this. As a taxpayer, I am paying for the expertise and professionalism of those trained to educate.

I suggest that they stop wasting their time composing this fodder for the paper recycling bin, and get on with what I am paying for, which is educating the kids. If they have problems, speak to their boss, not me.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Municipal Incompetence At It's Best!

Take a good look at the picture of the multi-lane highway above. It is outside an Industrial Park, and as you can see the name of the place is Truro.
So, we know where Truro is, right? It is in the county of Cornwall, England, so the vehicle lights will confirm that, as the vehicles are clearly driving on the left hand side of the road.

But NO ! It is in Canada! Check the picture below. check the flag on the right - it is outside a business that is located on the Number 2 Highway, Truro Nova Scotia just outside the town centre, where the Industrial Park is located. It is a Canadian flag.
Now, you all have heard of the province of Nova Scotia, right? That is just one of the places that has soundly drafted food regulations, but ones that are not enforced, and where those who are paid by the taxpayers to enforce those food regulations say that all is well because the coffee shops that have the exposed food with flies crawling and copulating on it, those coffee shops have a 'Food Safety Program'.

So, we have the food being regulated to the standards, or lack of them, that are set and controlled by a private profit-making corporation, and we have the signs from other countries to show how the business is moving.

Maybe the vehicles are all going backwards, and moving the business AWAY from Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada!

And this illustrates the typical level of attention to simple detail that is missing throughout North America. Because if you for a moment imagine that this is just a Nova Scotia problem, think again.
All levels of corporations, municipalities, and governments are being run by morons, buffoons, and idiots who don't even know how to check their own work. But they do know how to collect their fat pay-cheques and pensions that we, the taxpayers, are handing out to them.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Morons With Loud Cars Make 'Wonderful" Neighbours!

So, you are asleep, and at 2 am you wake up to car doors being slammed. Not just slammed, but slammed as if they had been grabbed by both hands, and wrenched shut as hard and fast as was humanly possible with the windows wound down. Then the pinhead who drives the car fires it up, and revs it up to about 5000 revs (that is about 1500 to 2000 more than a normal driver would ever see their car go up to) and then they pull away after about two or three minutes of revving, then move forward about ten yards, get out slamming the doors again, then get back in, and start it up again, and revving even more come back to where they were, and shut it off.
The whole routine is then repeated about ten minutes later.
Example number two - Some pathetic little insecure worm drives up with a car stereo pumping out about 300 watts of bass. The windows of your house rattle with the vibes.

Simple. D*ckheads.
The only possible reason, for instance, that a f*ckhead like these would have a stereo set at a high level is to piss people off.
I mean, it cannot be that they cannot hear it, and it cannot be that they have trouble hearing it at 100 watts, so they need it up at 300 watts.
And the revving dude? Again, this cannot because the car needs moving. Why would it be needing moving in the middle of the night? What would have changed by the time morning comes? Why not move it using, say, 2000 revs, instead of 5000? I'll tell you why. Because the intention is to piss people off.
This isn't a party situation, where it is a Saturday night, and it happens once in a while, or even once a month. This is an ongoing deal.
There is even dude there who is such a little pr*ck that he spins the wheels at every start. This isn't just outside his own house, it is all around the village, according to what I hear from people who are the 'in crowd' and were born in the village, and are ticked off.
He doesn't even have a car that can actually spin the wheels, I think it is a Neon or something - he has to rev the crap out of it, and dump the clutch to use the flywheel weight to get the tires to chirp. I haven't seen or heard him lately, maybe he broke a driveshaft. I hope so. Pity it didn't burst into flames with him inside it, the little dork.
I have people I don't know coming up to me in the village, and asking "Who are the people who moved in to that house next door to you? They are very noisy all the time, and drive way too fast while there are children around."
And I reply that I heard that it was a young guy who rents out rooms to his friends, who appear to suffer from insecurity issues or other mental problems.
But, I have a plan. I am selling. They Win. But I win too.
I could fight, I could smoke the tires on my old V8 car at 4 am, after THEY get to sleep.
But, I will just move to the city. It is quieter there, and if it isn't, the city cops soon fix that.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Corporate Culture Is Killing Innovation

I saw a documentary on TV that was looking into innovation and change in corporate circles, and amazingly, the High-ups (CEO's etc) actually seem to want innovation.
As a worker all my life at various levels within different companies, I had exactly the opposite impression.
In the documentary, it was stated that 75% of all employees are looking for a new job, and for the higher executive positions, the figure is at around 80+% , I think it was 87%.
This explains a lot.
I have, throughout my life, wondered why when I have a great idea, it is just brushed aside by my boss, and seldom exploited. Now, to be realistic, I know that some of my 'great ideas' are maybe great only in my own mind, and that in reality, the usefulness would be limited by factors in other areas of the corporation.
But probably the main reason for the rejection of innovation is that the people receiving the information are not interested in it, because they are not interested in ANYTHING.
This might be why they act so stupidly, and show little commonsense, other than to give the impression to their specific boss that they are doing a great job.
Looking at it with the knowledge about how most employees are looking to work elsewhere, I can now see what is happening.
If I have a great idea, and I tell my boss, this will mean more work for him/her. It will additionally introduce a budgetary demand, even if only for the time spent presenting the idea.
So, from a purely selfishly personal point of view of anyone in the corporate structure, it has no merit, only liability.
The innovative companies will be those who are innovative at the top.
All others can never have true innovation as it will be stalled at a low level due to personal agendas.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Poppycock! Food Company CEO Takes Blame For Food Problems

I saw on the TV news that the CEO of MapleLeaf Foods has declared full responsibility for the recent contaminated food outbreak.
What a load of TWADDLE!
If his idea was realistic, it would mean that society would not need the food regulations that it has.
If his idea were realistic, it would mean that he is making the statement that the food inspection (You know, the food inspections that seem not to occur despite taxpayers paying the officials who are assigned to be responsible for such inspections) is of no consequence one way or the other.
If his idea were realistic, he is saying that all cases of contamination or other occurrences are measurable and preventable as a 100% method of doing business.

Myself, of all people, with my total lack of confidence in the governmental and civil servant morons who allow food to be unsafe by such practices as using the presence of a corporate safety program as justification for not requiring the legal regulations to be a factor, would be happy if this man was able to truly be a scapegoat, and that by taking his responsibility, all society would need is for him to never do it again and all would be well.

But the reality of food safety is that food is not properly inspected by the authorities, so there is no 'back up' of the inspection process that the company processing the food has responsibility for.

I suggest that this CEO take back his acceptance of responsibility, and re-issue it with the addition of 'within the Mapleleaf plant'.

The final responsibility for food safety is with those people who the taxpayers are rightfully expecting to do what they are being employed by the taxpayers to do. THEIR JOBS!

The responsibility of a corporate CEO is clearly split - there are the shareholders, and there are the consumers. And even I cannot expect 100% success on my behalf as a consumer while the shareholders have to be satisfied with profits.

The ones who should be taking the blame are the failures to society, the civil servants who live in a self-protective culture that encourages them to never accept responsibility, or even to do the job we are paying them to do. They favour the practice of letting the food companies self-regulate the food safety, instead of participating in the inspection process.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Should The Public Sue The Food Safety Enforcing Public Servants?

Food Safety is far lower than it appears. We are no doubt all lulled into a false sense of security by knowing that there are laws governing food safety.
There is, after all, only one thing that is more unsafe than an unsafe act or condition, and that is having the same situation but covered up or hidden.
The problem can in most cases be traced to the enforcers.
Try taking a look at the amount of times a food establishment has has action taken against them for violation of food storage or handling regulations.
In many jurisdictions the number will be easy to count - NONE.
That is because the food safety enforcers appear to be favouring the food companies in their methods of applying the regulations.
In most if not all states and provinces the regulations are fine, well thought out, good commonsense rules and laws.
But you can have all the laws you like if the enforcement is not occurring.
The amazing thing is that if you chase these people, they will generally point blank refuse to do their job and enforce the regulations.
I informed such an individual about flies from a garbage bucket stored behind the counter in a coffee shop in a shopping mall food court, and that was over a year ago. The bucket remains, the flies still fly up, and even at times settle on the uncovered food (against the regulations) and even copulate there.
As an experiment, and just to see how thick skinned and obtuse these public servants are, I have actually informed THREE governmental levels, including a provincial Member of the Nova Scotia Legislature (MLA) of the flies, which fly up as the servers pass, and then settle on the sugar and the cups. The coffee counter is three small units from the passageway to the public washrooms, which are in constant use.
The end result in doing this is that there is protesting done about my attitude, and thinly veiled threats made about legal action. But still no attempt to enforce the regulations.
Maybe I have to belong to a special club or society in order to get work done that my tax dollars are paying for.
What the public needs to do is take some action in the courts to force these individuals out of their cozy civil servant jobs.
They need suing for accepting salaries under false pretences. They need publicly exposing , and publicly ridiculed. If they were in private industry, they would have failed performance reviews. If continuing, they would eventually be let go.
So, if you need to have some fun, and have some time, look into how many food establishments have been acted against for regulatory violation. In Nova Scotia, it is very few, the reason being given that "We work with the establishments in order to get the compliance done" or something similar.
Also, I was advised to phone in order to discuss the matter and have it explained to me.
Interesting how those who prefer not to be accountable always prefer the phone.

But, this is not just a local problem to my own province here in Nova Scotia, it is a Canada and USA - wide issue.

Check the regulations for your state or province.
See the violations
Advise the Enforcers.
Be told a load of hogwash.
See the violations continue.
Watch the issue create health scare or a death.

That appears to be the system of food safety we are working under. Amazing.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Annoying Advertising To Attract Attention - Don't Buy These Dell Products!

I have previously, in my other blogs, I believe, mentioned advertising that is created to deliberately annoy the consumer in order to attract attention to the product.
I have no idea what the product of Mothers Against Drunk Driving is, but I do know that should they ever canvas me for a donation, I will point out that they should have saved the money that they paid out for a TV ad showing a crying baby, with the volume and frustration of the child increasing throughout the ad. Yes, MADD people, I saw it. It worked, I was put into a position where I could not ignore it. And I feel sad for the people who donated in good faith to this organisation only to see their money wasted in this manner.

The latest one is DELL.
Now we know that this company, despite good products, has very poor customer care, in fact so bad that it is better not to annoy yourself calling them. And we know, or at least I do, from experience that they have poor internal communication, and will lose payments money in the system for months. We also know that they do, at least when you blog about how poorly treated you are by them, make the money correct by recognising the payment made (in my case to the incorrect department) and correcting the interest charges. Moral of the story - pay cash, or get your financing elsewhere.

The latest is a window that pops up in your PC saying DISCONNECTED, together with a loud high pitched whine. After a few seconds, just as you are about to shut it down, it comes up with a DELL ad.
Well, DELL, I have news for you. I think that your ad stinks, and I refuse to finance such activity by buying another PC or digital camera from you. I suggest that you either fire your ad agency, or check their work before it goes online. There are other companies with similar prices to yours who don't annoy me in order to get my attention, but instead just offer good products, the same as you do, you know, the ones that I will no longer be buying from you, even for cash.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Another Classic "I don't care' Customer Care Experience.

So, I noticed that the channel programming guide on the cable TV had an error that didn't get fixed after a few days, so I thought I would do the cable company (Who I have high regard for until now) a favour by informing them.
As I don't want to wait on the phone while listening to how important my call is to them, I chose the contact form on the website, and here is the email result, together with my original text:
Hello Mr. xxxxxxxxxxx

Thank you for taking the time to send us your email. We apologize for
recent issues you have in countered with your cable service. We will be
to look further into the issues for you if you are still experiencing
problems. Please call our cable support department available to assist
you 24
hours a day, by calling 1-888-xxx-xxxx option 4 then option 2.

Thank you,
xxxxxxxxx Customer Care
"It's That Easy"

Please do not reply to this message. If you require further assistance
please click here and you
will be taken back to our main web contact page.

Original Message Details:

First Name: John
Last Name: xxxxxxxxxxx
Email: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Comment
Comment: Hi, Just to let you know that your digital cable guide is
incorrect for listings of South Park on the Comedy Network - the
descriptions lately do not match the content. Also, the Men channel
breaks up all the time, losing sound and picture so badly that it is
unwatchable. Do I contact the Men TV for this? The problem is perhaps
theirs? My other channels work fine. Have a great day, John
Now, let me translate what they are actually saying:
Dear Mr xxxxxxxx,
I have not fully read your contact form text that you submitted from our website, and so am ignoring that you asked a question.
I am actually trying to just find a way to respond that will not generate further emails that I have to reply to, as I am the email person assigned this week, and I really hate my job. So I have decided to use a template referring you to the phone-in customer care we have. I do it with all the incoming contact form messages, and most customers like yourself are so brain dead that they put up with it.
I have detected from the brief look I gave your text that you are also having technical issues, so, despite you filling out a silly load of personal info text boxes just to submit the contact text (one of which was an alternative phone number that was not marked as being essential to fill out until after trying to submit the form) that actually gives us your full contact information, I prefer for you as a customer to go through the mindless process that you were trying to avoid, namely, phone us and be put on hold and get annoyed by our stupid eternally repeating message telling you a pack of lies about how we value your business, whereas, as you can tell, we don't.
Anyway, this email to you is done, and I am well within my handle time for replying - obviously if I don't actually do any thinking before replying, it makes my job of keeping good personal statistics a lot easier.
Further, by failing to actually respond to what you wrote, I am avoiding a bad personal evaluation that might occur if I made an error in what I advised, this being a likely probability due to me actually knowing nothing at all about the subject in hand.
It was annoying having to write all of this, I prefer to use templates like are used for form letters.
And no, I am not going to contact someone within our company who can actually help - it is up to you to work at contacting us.

Thank you,
Anon Customer Care Person

And finally, here is my response:
Hi, Thanks, but that's Ok, all the info I can give you is in the original note I sent. Your choice what you do with it.
According to my son, the guide has been incorrect for a while now, and as for the Men channel, I just have to not watch it if it has breaking up sound and picture. I will take it up with the Men channel.

It came back at me as the address was a noreply one.
So, I have been converted from liking this company and being reasonably satisfied with the service, to being pissed off.
I cannot for the life of me know why they bother having an online contact form if they are not supporting it.
Anyway, screw them. They can boil their heads for all I care. I have better things to do than endlessly chase them to assist them in correcting errors that are probably caused by their own incompetence.
As they say, "It's That Easy"

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Here's Proof That Corporate CEO's Are Idiots!

Here's some proof that corporate CEO's are idiots!
Any company is ultimately run by the CEO and his/her team, and so if the members of the team, or for that matter, anyone in the organisation, fails to perform, then it ultimately rests on the shoulders of the CEO.

Let's take advertising.
Say a person in the organisation decides to advertise the product of say, landscaping services, in say, a child's comic, then we all would agree that this might be a stupid move, because the ad will not likely reach those who might want to purchase landscaping services. The advertising budget would be wasted.

So, it follows that the end media of advertising must reach the expected prospective customers of the advertiser, right?

Television is fairly good for this, as there are many programs that will suit various products. For instance, put a beer ad on during a ball game. Put a childs toy ad on during a morning cartoon.
Put a female product ad on during 'The View'!

So, if a company places an ad in an incorrect slot where it would not be seen or heard by the target audience, it would be just the same as the childs comic example - the advertising budget would be simply wasted.
And the CEO would ultimately be responsible because they are employing idiots who would do such a thing.

Stay with me here, I WILL get to the point eventually!

Say I was responsible for placing my company's advertising onto a TV station, then all I would have to worry about is that the time slot was appropriate for the product involved, right? WRONG!

No Sound On TV?
Say I placed an ad with a TV station where the sound was switched off, would that be good placing for the advertising budget? Obviously not. It would limit my advert to being visual only, with no sound. And yet it is happening every day.
And if I was the guy who had the job of deciding where the budget is spent, then I would not, in that last case with the sound off, be doing my job, right?

And if I continued to do this incompetent work over a long term and it went unnoticed by those higher in the organisation, then they would not be doing their jobs, am I right?

Viewers Have TO Use Mute Button
So, WHY , OH WHY, OH WHY, are advertisers doing just what is written above, namely wasting their advertising budgets, or at least not maximising the budgets.
How are they doing this? Simple, by not watching the darn TV after they placed the ads.
No doubt all people in the advertisers organisation are all patting themselves on the back, saying how great things are, or no doubt these days wringing their hands in worry wondering how to increase market share in a folding market, and all they have to do is PAY ATTENTION TO DETAIL!

Here Is The Actual Example
The TV Station is MuchMusic, out of, I believe, Toronto Canada.
The Programming is generally excellent.
The sound control is pathetic, however.
The sound on this station during some programming is so loud during the ads that it forces the viewer to either abandon watching, or hit the mute as soon as the ads come on.

CEO's Don't Watch TV?
This means that the CEO of MuchMusic is not watching his/her own station. The feature is so annoying that if he/she did, then the problem would get resolved post-haste.
It is even more interesting than that though.
Not only is there incompetence in the MuchMusic TV station, but also in the advertisers corporate structures.

The Advertisers Don't Watch TV?
The advertisers agents who are paying out their company's budgets are obviously not checking on the quality of service they are getting.
And their supervisors are not checking that those individuals are doing their jobs. And the CEO's of the advertising companies are not monitoring what is going on below them. They probably depend upon what they are told by the stool-pigeons below them rather than do proper checking, or even set up procedures for accurate checking by those below.

MuchMusic Stinks From Top Down - it never used to!
So, MuchMusic, your organisation appears to now stink from the top down.
So, those who advertise on the Muchmusic TV station, your organisations appear to stink from the top down as well.
And while the upper echelons are confident in the way they are doing things, the people below are probably going to work each day wondering how they can put up with the stupidity above them for years on end.

As for me, I am considering contacting all the companies who advertise on these badly engineered TV stations, and let them know that I am considering a "Don't Buy This" blog, listing all the moronic companies who are financially supporting badly engineered TV stations, in order to try to get the TV stations funding reduced until they fix their internal sound engineering issues.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Morons With Noise Pollution In Cars

We have new neighbours.
There was an empty lot next door, and it was purchased by a builder who had a house moved onto a basement he built there.
He spent the whole of last summer with a little farm tractor trying to bulldoze the mud around to level it out. He would choose days when it was raining, so he could get it stuck, and then presumably have fun shunting backwards and forwards to free it up again.
This would start at 6am and sometimes end at 10 pm. Just when I would settle down to watch TV, he would fire it up again. Then after about an hour, would stop for an hour or two.
All summer long.
Then he eventually finished, and the house, which is a large one, was sold, apparently to a young guy who rents out rooms to his buddies, so I am told.
No problem there.
The problem is with the idiotic, mentally insecure fools who frequent the place.
One in particular appears to need driving lessons, as he seems completely incapable of pulling away in his Mazda Protege (Ohhhhh, I am impressed!) without screaming the engine so that it develops enough power to make the tires chirp as he dumps the clutch and the car starts to move.

Now, I have a 1966 Mercury with a 390 cubic inch V8 that I purchased for the sole reason of having similar fun, except in my case, I can actually have the smoke rolling off the tires for quite a while. The difference is that I choose not to do it at 2.30 am.

Added to this, there appears to be deafness in the clan somewhere, as they seem to need a car stereo that is cranked to about 200 watts in order to hear it.

I know, I have it wrong.
Let's have a look at the REAL reason these effing useless piece of crap morons crank their car stereos - it is because it is the ultimate in "eff you" to the rest of the world, which in this case, as I live next door, is me.

Well, I have a plan. I still have access to my old DJ gear that I gave to my eldest son recently as he is doing some jamming with other guys, maybe to start a band.

But, I can get it back here in a flash. And I can have parties here at 1 am through to 4 am during the week, with enough power to setup a sound system for an auditorium (I had about 3 DJ rigs total) Or, maybe 3 am through to 4.30 am might be better.

It is amazing how youth always rebels against the older generation. We had Elvis, then there was the 'drug bands', then the heavy metal crowd. More recently it is the rappers.
I have no problem with it, because they grow up after a while, and in the past it has been a general thing to ignore it. But the noise pollution, they have a classic there. It cannot be ignored. The sub bass sound can be heard by whales in the sea over 12,000 miles away.

I keep getting asked by more established residents than I am (I have only lived here about 10 years) "Who are the people next door to you?" I have no answer. "They use the road like a race track" is the next comment.
They are as you find them. I find them to be un-neighbourly idiots who have a circle of similar idiot friends who have no consideration for others.

But I have a great plan.
I will let them have their tunes cranked, and will say nothing.
Then, as they get older, their deafness, which is already started (when I was DJ'ing if I was ever asked to crank it up, it was always by a club-type dude or a thump-thump car person, because those are the ones who have already damaged their hearing)
I will have the last laugh, because as I lay on my deathbed, I will think of those pinheads in their later years, asking for stuff to be repeated all the time.
And it will look good on them.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Primus Phone Service ! NEVER, EVER!

Here is an email I received from Primus, it was sent on the third, about a week after my email to them. Before reading it, bear in mind that I stressed in my first email that I had been asked to assist a friend with their account, and that Primus might prefer to obtain confirmation of that from the account holder. Anyway, here is the text of the email, my conclusions are below it:

Good Morning Mr. John XXXXXXXX,
Ref: account of XXXXXX XXXXXXXX
We apologize for the delay in answering your below message.

This refers to your recent inquiry regarding account number with Primus Canada.

Due to our privacy act policy, we are unable to answer your inquiry, as your name does not appear in the above-mentioned account. The account holder will need to call us at 1-800-806-3273 in order to have your name added to the account as extra contact before we are able to address y
our concerns. Although we apologize for the inconvenience, this is done for your security. As a leader in the telecommunications industry, we strive to maintain a high level of integrity in all our business practices. We can assure you we are committed to quality and processes.

To view the Policy, please go to the Primus Canada web site at

Once you are authorized to have access to the account and have further questions, let us know.

Sincerely yours,


Customer Service Associate

Primus Telecommunications Canada

Primus web site information:

Toll Free customer service number: 1-800-806-3273

Our Terms and Conditions which can be found at

And here are my conclusion:
Primus customer care appear to have a focus on what in the call-center industry is known as 'handle-time". This is basically the ability to get rid of the caller as quickly as possible.
They are insulting me by ignoring my email to them.
They are using a template for the text of this latest email, and cannot even be bothered to change it to be appropriate, relative to the account number.
In short, this leaves me with the feeling that if I was a customer, I can expect nothing except a runaround from them.
They have failed to react in any way to the level of this complaint, as I have sent several emails together with links to my various blog entries about Primus in several different blogs.
The level of poor behaviour amazes me, as if I was working for them and received such emails as I sent, then the alarm bells for damage control would be ringing loudly.
The final analysis has to be that Primus are such a poorly run concern that they really do not care at any level, even about their own continued existence.
Remember now, this all arises from their initializing action to attempt a sale - it was not anything to do with anything that the account holder did (other than believe the Primus salesperson!)

Not being an ignorant person, I always respond to emails. Believe me, my response to this one will be extremely brief, as I just don't have the time to waste dealing with morons. The friend is changing away from Primus to other carriers due to Primus's inability to adjust even the simplest of their errors. The matter is now closed.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Here's Proof Of A Moronic Company - Primus

If you have read my recent entries at then you will be aware of how stupid the idiots at the customer care part of Primus Canada are.
They either are deliberately entering into some battle to see if they can piss me off more than they have ever pissed anyone off before, or, it might be that they are simply TOTALLY INCOMPETENT at every level.

Some 50 years ago, my father, at his place of business, had a visit from a representative of the Olivetti typewriter company, who then proceeded to sell items that were not as stated, and in quantities that were never agreed to. This is called slamming.
I have no idea if this company still does business, but I grew up knowing that it would never, ever, do business with me. It never ever did any business with my father, nor me, nor my brother. I can even remember years ago seeing an Olivetti typewriter secondhand at a good price, but I was not prepared to buy it, in fact, I purchased a different brand later the same week.
And so it is with the Primus company. I don't care if it is Primus, Primus Canada, or Primus Timbuktu.
There is now no room in my life to take a risk on this, whatever they eventually do to rectify my friends issues that were of Primus's creation, which based on current performance, is rectification that will possibly never occur.

After all, for me, why take risks that are not necessary. There are plenty of phone companies out there where the risks are unknown, which right now looks really favourable compared with "known to have poor customer care that ticks off customers."

Interestingly enough, others seem to have had problems with them, too.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Companies That Stink, Generally Stink In Many Aspects.

I don't know if you have noticed, but bad companies are like bad drivers. They don't know that they are bad, and if it is even politely suggested that they might have a little problem, or maybe can improve some little aspect (even though this is a polite way of saying the whole place sucks) the response will be either total denial, or if the information is passed on by email or voice-mail, there will in 100% of cases, be no response whatsoever. Complete and total denial, they are so introvertedly wrapped up in their own perceived glory that anyone suggesting that anything is, or might be, wrong is to be avoided and not engaged into two-way communication.

Bad drivers will typically, also, be bad in many aspects. For instance, the moron who swerves across the road due to being in the act of using a cellphone while driving will typically also cruise through stop signs without stopping, will race up to junctions and slam on the brakes at the last minute, causing others to brake in case they are as out of control as they appear to be. They will generally also fail to signal intentions, or will signal a turn or lane change at the same time as they make the actual move, way too late to be of use to other drivers, but of use to the perpetrator in meeting the law, because yes, the signal did come on before the turn was about a nanosecond before!

I often feel sorry for companies. Sometimes when they are, for instance, asking for advertising to be done for them, they stress this must be like this, that must be like that, and then you go to their webpage, and find it full of typos or the very same bad grammar that they insist is not acceptable to them!

During my lifetime, I have worked for many companies. For a good number of years I was a contract machinist, and so worked as a fill-in for staff who were on vacation. The interesting thing about having such a wide experience of different management styles is that I have ended up being able to forecast the future demise of many of those companies. There are also a good many who SHOULD have gone broke, but were saved by the type of business they were in, such as mining for instance. To manage a mining business is maybe way easier than managing a production concern, because you are just basically digging stuff out of the ground and selling it. Provided you check that the stuff is what it is supposed to be, then you cannot go wrong, as your only limitation is cost of operation.
You cannot 'make' it wrong, because you are making nothing. The only added value you are creating is by the physical transfer of location from under the ground to a place where it can be transported from.
So, statistically, you are probably more likely to find incompetence within a resource industry than within a production industry where the added value is from the conversion of the raw material into a merchantable item.

Bad companies generally stink from the top down. After all, if those at the top are dissatisfied with the way things are done, they have the power to change that, and so they do. Being at the top, however, they are often completely blind to reality in what is going on below them. So if told things are bad, they will generally choose to ignore it, especially if the company is still making profit.

Now, take for instance a phone company such as Primus Canada. Their service is surely comparable to other phone companies. People who use them are probably able to pick up their phone, dial a number, and get connected to the person they are calling. Likewise, the customers are likely to have their phone ring, and when they pick it up find that the person calling them was able to dial the number and get connected through OK. So, technically, Primus are comparable to other phone companies, and might even have better pricing, who knows.
But just try getting in touch with their customer service department. What a nightmare of ignorance! Check out my recent blog entry at:
Like many companies these days, Primus have probably worked out statistically the likelihood of the failure to impact their profits, and the likely conclusion is probably that, provided they keep their sales dept working hard at getting new accounts, then the new accounts will exceed the accounts that ticked-off customers cancel out on.
I suspect that with the upcoming shrinkage of the world economy, such practices will fail to work any more, and these companies will be the ones who disappear and make room for companies who are not behaving so badly.

Friday, June 27, 2008

There are some things I don't complain about!

Yes, it is true. There are some things I don't complain about. Here is my initial list of things that immediately spring to mind:

Being given money.
Earning more money than the work justifies.
Hot looking gals.
Time spent with friends
Time spent with strangers who are intellectually interesting.
Having a politician or government official surprise me by showing commonsense.
Summer rain.
Winter rain. (You don't have to shovel it - I live in Canada, remember!)
Censored, censored, censored, and censored. (All one item)

That'll do for now.

Here We are - A New Subject For This Blog!

I have often wanted to run a website that has high traffic, and that I can make money with. So, I thought of the idea a while ago to have pictures of gals in the blog, hoping that this might do the trick as far as getting lots of traffic so I can sell advertising and make money for doing nothing. But it is not to be. I can't even be bothered with all the fuss in uploading pictures. Too lazy.
So, welcome to the Rant & Whine Blog! Now, that is a subject I am good at!

Ranting And Whining

I have at last thought out a good subject for this blog. I can make it my extreme ranting and whining blog. I will whine and moan and complain endlessly about everything that exists on the face of the planet, and even out into the solar system.
Yes, that will make a nice blog.
I have of course whined a bit in my other blogs, but this one will be EXTREME!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Gal Next Door.

If this gal lived next door, I would be out doing the gardening all day! Not exactly hot in a slutty way, but just good looking.

Another really cute gal!

Interesting picture. She seems to have everything black, her hair, jeans, even the top is like a monochrome photo.

Asian Chicks Are In Style Now

A few years ago, while watching TV, for instance, you would never see an Asian chick in the adverts, or as actors. Well, as there are more Asian chicks that speak good English, there has been a surge of popularity, and no wonder. I mean, aren't they CUTE! And the great thing is, when you look around the internet a lot like I do, you get so you can pretty much tell the area of Asia that they come from, so there is lots of variety in looks.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Deck Ornament? Or maybe an Asian Hooker! Looks great anyway!

White Denim. My First Asian Chick in Denim

Welcome to my new page with asian chicks wearing denim. No nudity, just asian hotties on every post. All pics are taken from public sources.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I Have My Own Ranking System!

Fed Up With having a low Page Rank? No problem, by using the John method, you too can increase your page rank to any figure that you wish, provided that it is over 5. With the John system, you have a rank that you can be proud of, and that will never get zapped down to zero. So, that is the concept of my own John ranking system.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Snowy Trees!

Check out these two pictures of the same tree, taken within a few hours of each other.

And this below is the same tree earlier the same day when we woke up and it had snowed then changed to rain. As you can see, the lower branches actually hit the ground! It was actually raining a fine mist when the photo was taken

Friday, March 28, 2008

Those Pesky Deer!

Those Pesky Deer! Always running around, making vicious thundering noises, yelping, and fighting with the local old folk and kicking and killing all the children by the hundred. There ought to be a hunting season for them, that's what I think.

Seriously, these sweet little things were crossing our back garden as we were about to leave to go out yesterday.

This is a sign that summer is on the way, once the deer start to move, it means they are looking for food, because they know that the ice that covers the food has gone. The top inch or so of the ground is now soft, too, so they can pull grass up by the roots.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

So, Why am I a Legend?

I am a legend in my own mind! I admire myself in the mirror, and just KNOW what a wonderful person I am. Then, I try to leave the room, and I find that my head will no longer fit through the door. So, I pose around, flex what few muscles I have, and admire myself some more. Then I think of the advertising for Bowflex fitness machines, where the smug guy with the hunk body says "I gave all my fat clothes to my fat friends" and I think of what I could say, and it is:
" I gave all of my thin clothes to my thin friends, because how did I get a body like this? - NOFLEX!"

Monday, March 24, 2008

Time to get this baby rolling!

I have been assisting the Missus with her advertising posts for her blogs, and neglecting my own blogs. I have started a few but this one is the only one that I have a domain name for. Hopefully, I can get them all updating on a regular basis, although now that summer is coming, I have stuff I want to do, and gardening is not one of them, in fact, if I had my way, I would concrete over the whole lawn area, and paint it green.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

My New Blog

This one contains adult content, not severely so, but I might use words like 'bum' a lot. The basic concept is that it is about what men are really thinking! Hehehe.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Spammer IP List

Here are some IP addresses that were found putting spam comments on another blog I have.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

My Nose Is Like an Electric Fan

This is a genuine filler unpaid post. When I toss and turn in bed, trying to get some room due to the missus's triangular sleeping habits (diagonally across the whole bed space), I often come to rest facing her. I might well then experience the grunting elbow/forearm smash, as my face is forced to turn away. When we were first married, I enquired as to why this was happening, and was told that it is because my (very ample, I am nasally well endowed, and have big feet, too!) nose is like a fan, blowing masses of cooling air across the room. Often, this sirocco like wind will become vortexed, and actually pick up objects from the room, and rotate them in a maelstrom, like a tornado. This is why I stopped leaving my false teeth to steep in a tumbler, as one night, the contents got picked up, and I ended up not only soaked to the skin, but also slightly bitten!
Now, what about my heavy breathing story, well, for years now I have been answering the phone to the wife's and my Filipina friends, and I have always had the impression that they had the hots for me, because I am such a Gods gift to women. My reason for this deduction was that they always seemed to have a husky heavy breathing deal going on as soon as they heard my voice. But, alas, my bubble has recently been burst, as I came to realise that the noise was caused by the horizontal nostrilization of the nasal passages causing a whirlwind in the phone mouthpiece. I am, of course, shattered by this knowledge, but it does explain why I have always got weird looks from other Filipina wives when I wink at them, knowingly. Actually, I am of course, lying, I never wink at other dudes wives, I merely have a twitching eyelid caused by nerve degeneration during my first marriage!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

*Start Copy Here*

You do not have to be tagged to play along. This game is simple and so are the rules.

1. Copy from *Start Copy Here* through *End Copy Here*

2. Add your site(s) to the list. Just be sure to post at each site you add.

3. Tag or don’t tag, your choice, however, the more tags you create the bigger the list will grow.

4. Let me know your blog’s name and url by leaving me a comment HERE. I will add you to the master list. (If you would like a scroll box code, leave me your email address and I will email it to you.) Scroll Box Example. (I decided not to use the box for the Big Bang for ease of copying.)

5. Come back and copy the master list back to your site, often. This process will allow late-comers to get as much link benefit as the first ones in. Once you are on the master list people who have participated earlier will update their bookmarks and help everyone lower than them out on the list.

1-Attitude, the Ultimate Power 2-Juliana's Site 3-Rusin Roundup 4-Grow Rich Along With Me 5-Comedy Plus 6-lynda's loft 7-Amel's Realm 8-MAX 9-Speedcat Hollydale 10-Mariuca 11-Complain Complain Complain 12-Mariuca's Perfume Gallery 13-Life Is A Roller Coaster 14-Sugar Queen's Dream 15-First Time Dad 16-Life 17-My Life 18-The Painted Veil 19-My Thoughts 21-Little Aussie Cynic 22-A Nice Place in the Sun 24-The Down Side OF Up 25-Ladyjava's Lounge 26-Cat Tales 27-moms.....check nyo 28-Colorado Baby 29-It's a Woman's World 30-ENLIGHTENED BITS 31-My View of "It" 32-My Reviews and Finds Along the Way 33-Our Hep Chat 34-Rantings of a Woman 35-The Callalily Space 36-Mom Knows Everything 37-Hazel 38-Chronicles and Tales Unlimited (RED) 39-From the Mouth of Jabber Jaws 40-Sunny Side Up Foodie & Lifestyle 41-Carmel Corn 42-Daily Stock Picks 43-The Whole New World 44-Wifespeak 45-Slavery Bliss 46-Rooms of My Heart 47-Unpredictable Life 48-My Life, My World 49-At Your Service 50-All About Ebay 51-Everything Amazon 52-Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out 53-My So-Called Site 54-New Wife Blog 55-Tendre Poison 323 56-Nick's Bytes 57-My Scratch Pad 58-Choc Mint Girl 59-Life Is Just Around the Corner... 60-Amori, poseia, art... virtuali by Hanna 61-Maryannaville 62-monaco - monaco's 63-Nyumix's Blog 64-read my mind - my keyboard monologues 65-Shower You Children With Love - The Right Way 66-Secret Agent Mama 67-Pinaymama's Diary 68-Answers to the Questions 69-Work of the Poet 70-A Total Blog 71-My life, my hope, my future 72-NORTE 73-A Window to Our World 74-Life as a Mom 75-FIELD OF DREAMS 76-lisgold 77-See Me for What You 78-Caught in The Stream 79-Pinay Mommy Online - My Home 80-foster me up 81-CRUEL VIRGIN 82-Garden of Moments in Blog 83-So Cute 84-Love Everlasting 85-WeLcOmE To My CriB 86-WELCOM TO PINAYSMILE'S JOURNEY 87-Ice's Icelog 88-Jenny's Wandering Thoughts 89-Hobbies and Such 90-Sweet Paradise 91-Mommy's Gibble Gabbles 92-Rusin Review's 93-My Small World 94-Little Peanut 95-Online Ramblings 96-My Mood My Feeling 97-BLOG it with ALLEN 98-Entertainment World 99-Let's Go Singapore 100-Firelynx 101-Catsy Carpe Diem 102-Every Beat Of My Heart 103-Always Da Fresh Princess 104-Listening.. Learning..Living 105-All About Mars 106-Syii From Afar 107-Some Thoughts I Have 108-From Here and Beyond 109-My Paid To Blog 110-Scholarship Corner 111-Cell Phone Review 112-"Apples of the Eyes" 113-It's All About Play 114-The Luttrull Journey 115-RennyBA's Terella 116-Unchained Melody 117-Out of the Blue 118-The Lure Of the Unknown 119-Maricel's 120-my blog 121-Spiff, the Spaceman 122-Living Well 123-The Dog Log 124-Catnip Corner 125-A Piece of Idea 126-Observations From the Back 40 127-Poetry by The Redneck Gypsy 128-Odd Facts 129-Juliana's Lair 130-My life is murphy's law 131-lisgoldsmemoirs 132-My memories, as time goes by 133-Somewhere over the rainbow 134-Blogging by Sandee 135-Our Journey to this so called life 136-Idaho Daily Photo 137-Memories that Never Fades.. 138-Anything goes 139-Your Caring Angels 140-Little Paces 141-Laketrees 142-PoeARTica 143-fracas 144-Just FraCas 145-Archies Archive 146-Growing Up Together 147-A Woman's Diary 148-Mother's Got A Dot Com 149-Close To You 150-Hot Shit Form Here 151-Astro Galaxy 152-Detector 153-Beauty is in the eye of the beholder 154-My Life is Peachy 155-The Down Side of Up 156-Magical Milestones 157-In Search of Life 158-RebelationsdotNet 159-Jen Jen's Place 160-Mimi Writes... 161-Strange but true 162-Depois de minha viagem 163-Your Perfect Wedding: 164-Make Money Online 165-Primitive Ornies and Bowl Fillers 166-Vegetarian Diet Lifestyle 167-Looking Out For You 168-BENOLSATUEM 169-OtherSide 170-Hacko's Site 171-where was I 172-Making Money Resources 173-text's Site 174-Movie Corner 175-Rahasia Bisnis Internet 176-Online Dating Tips 177-Beauty Kissing Tips 178-Forex Trading Tips 179-Singapore Tour Guide 180-PPC vs PTR 181-Indonesian Film 182-Adsense Success Stories 2008 183-Bali Tour 184-Paypal Indonesia 185-Review Bisnis Internet 186-Blog Daniel Scardua 187-Much of a muchness 188-Gagiers Amazing World 189-Clumsy Mommy 190-Leaotheblogger 191-PBDesigns Reading and Crochet Blog 192-Gagiers Striking Zone 193-DrowseyMonkey 194-Yesterday Today n Tomorrow 195-Auntie Dar's Life 196-Sky Windows... 197-Filippino Life Abroad 198-Leao the Blogger 199-Zoop's Rantings on Life 200-My Journey 201-A Sweet Taste of Life 202-This is a Miracle 203-Lavanderia Virtual 204-Nancies's Web - Family Life 205-Dating Profile of the Day 206-my wooden robot 207-My World 208-urban : trendy : lifestyle 209-Lucel Juliana's Library 210-Cooking Momster - My Life Journal 211-Anggie & Jeremy boy Online Journal 212-'Doc Doc Doc' 213-Transforming My Life 214-Gratitude Journal 216-emila's illustrated blog 217-AZZY'S BLOG-A-ROONIE! 218-MAMABLISS' TREASURED MOMENTS 219-The Sky's the Limit 220-PROJECT HEAVY TRAFFIC 221-just another ordinary story.. 222-Samuel Rolo 223-The end mission! 224-R S S Submissions 225-Laice's Pics 226-Health and Fitness 227-Brainybimbo 228-Journey with WaterLearner 229-Zoop's Rantings on Life (at Blogspot) 230-Dear Me (Ivan) 231-Tour the Tabon Caves 232-Book Calendar 233-Love me. Hate me 234-Everyday health and beauty 235-BLOGANDO & ANDANDO 236-Memoirs.:*CRoSs mY hEARt*:. 237-The Chic Shopaholic 238-CK Go Places 239-Red Empress: Hell Flavored, Taste like Valentine 240-QUEENBEE 241-Le bric a brac de Cherie 242-jaqqq in the blogs 243-Bijoux & Banter 244-When Silence Speaks 245-MadTomatoe's Blogging Tools and Widgets 246-Conceptis addict 247-Madamoiselle 248-My Wooden Robot Blog 249-A Simple Life 250-It's a dog's life 251-A Technocrat's Blog 252-Misty's Words 253-My Dogs Keep Me Sane 254-New England Lighthouse Treasures 255-NoDirectOn (not: NoDirection) 256-Additional BlogLOve 257-I am DZOI 258-Caroland's Breathtaking Adventure 259-Blur Ting 260-Rojoy's Daily Update 261-Down River Drivel 262-Momhood Moments 263-Real World Mom 264-REALWORLDMOMUNPLUGGED'S WEBLOG 265-Lucca D Jiwa 266-AngrianiWorld 267-Marketing•Review 268-sejuk sesangat 269-Everything and then Some..... 270-Gbex...reachingOut 271-Heart of Rachel 272-The working mom / Finding balance... 273-Madamoiselle ver.2 274-Latest Keyword 275-Tanny's Blog 276-Pay to Review 277-Happy Life 278-Pet Haven 279-Teratak Nurani 280-A Melhor Novela de Todos os Tempos do Último Verão 281-TYNIE World 282-Wanmus's Blog-get cheapest web hosting 283-mokkikunta 284-BLOGHIT, POLIBLOG, TOP TOPICS 285-none of your business 286-Expat Travels 287-The Poor Mouth 288-GIRLIEGEEK.ORG 289-Tau Tau 290-Points of View 291-kimf3's Blog 292-Bing-My Treasures 293-Everything Green 294-The Pipeline Fixation 295-~Menempuh Arus Masa-Life-Photography~ 296-Pea in a Pod 297-{Me and Mine} 298-Beblan Anak Tukang Jahit 299-How Bourgeois 300-Julie's Blog 301-Emphbone 302-Simply the Best 303-Euroangel Graffiti 304-My Daily Nourishment 305-the worldwideweb addict 306-(¯`•._.• PalavraS ArticuladaS •._.•´¯) 307-The Big Life 308-Wild Borneo 309-Failure is the Key to Success 310-The muxic box's memories 311-What Goes Under the Sun 312-Cronaca di Gatteo 313-Angelika's other blog 314-So Real 315-Jaque 18 316-Overtime 317-When Life Becomes a Book 318-On the Bricks 319-Central Perk New York 320-The Simple Life of a Baghag 321-BlogBlast For Peace: The Official Site 322-Miss Cellania 323-Miss C Recommends 326-The Original Blue Ribbon Bloggers 327-No nonsense Internet Tips 328-Its Not a Weekend; Its a Lifestyle (Rich Valla) 330-Blog District 331-Official Travel Guide 332-EMJEI SAYS 333-www dot project rasso dot org 334-Work At Home Opportunities 335-VirusHead 336-Gracie de Guzman 337-Jollyjo 339-Ev Nucci's THE CAREER STRATEGIST 340-Ev Nucci's Resource Economics..Grease your brain 341-MARKETING MYSELF 342-NORTE 343-ACROSS THIS BRIDGE 344-STRUGGLING PARENTS 345-Read Between the Lines 346-Internet Lifestyle 347-THE SLEEPING TURTLE ART GALLERY 348-HIDUP BIAR SEDAP 349-BLOG ABOUT RICH 350-7101 Islands 351-Binding Ink III by Ndp the Poetress 352-mutiara hati 353-GreenBucks 354-Istilo Pinoy 355-Sweet and Complex Living 356-Angelika 357-my thoughts in writing 358-sharingplatform 359-Just the way it is... 360-LUCID CREATIVITY (Nelle-MyVirtualWorld) 361-TEACHERJULIE.COM 362-Bits and Pieces 363-Confessions Of A Breathing Tote Bag 364-My Joys 365-Fiction Earth 366-... My Precious ... 367-MY VIEWS ON MY SO CALLED LIFE 368-A Reality Bite 369-Cobb Community 370-Angelea's Blog 371-Janeth Vicy's Life Journey 372-NinaRepublic 373-Peaceful Mind 374-ME, MYSELF + 2 375-Mommy Jane and Little Sophia's Fasion misADVENTURES 376-ONKNEES - ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK..... 377-SHEENISM 378-SAILIN' THRU LIFE (ASecretPlace) 379-Project Management Tutorial 380-Labindalawang Piraso ng Kokomban 381-Gorgeous Traveller 382-Sharing Gifts and Ideas 383-MUMBLINGS 384-Because Life Is Fun 385-PsychPatient MD 386-Everything Is Free 387-BRAINY MOMMY 388-Simply Unique 389-precious moments 390-Pearly Scripts 391-LIGHTNING AND THUNDER 392-Rayani Friends 393-WORK CULTURE 394-Psychology 395-Gold News 396-Applied Psychology 397-Scientific Psychology 398-Backwoods Drifter 399-New Beginning 400-Life in General 401-Life Is Like That (That's Life) 402-Life With Roxxymetal 403-SEXY MOMMA 404-The Z Files 405-I'll Never Forget the Day I Read a Book! 406-DOODLE PAGE 407-Escape Hatch 408-The Official Afterslaughter Weblog 409-Mommy's Little Corner 410-MALTED MONKEY 411-MOM AND THE CITY 412-Life with the Two Crazy Dogs 413-the joys (and pains) of being a woman (My Untamed World) 414-Making Cents-Sense of Technology 415-USER GAME REVIEWS 416-Write Shy 418-ZWANG 419-ANYTHING GOES! 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