Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Morons With Loud Cars Make 'Wonderful" Neighbours!

So, you are asleep, and at 2 am you wake up to car doors being slammed. Not just slammed, but slammed as if they had been grabbed by both hands, and wrenched shut as hard and fast as was humanly possible with the windows wound down. Then the pinhead who drives the car fires it up, and revs it up to about 5000 revs (that is about 1500 to 2000 more than a normal driver would ever see their car go up to) and then they pull away after about two or three minutes of revving, then move forward about ten yards, get out slamming the doors again, then get back in, and start it up again, and revving even more come back to where they were, and shut it off.
The whole routine is then repeated about ten minutes later.
Example number two - Some pathetic little insecure worm drives up with a car stereo pumping out about 300 watts of bass. The windows of your house rattle with the vibes.

Simple. D*ckheads.
The only possible reason, for instance, that a f*ckhead like these would have a stereo set at a high level is to piss people off.
I mean, it cannot be that they cannot hear it, and it cannot be that they have trouble hearing it at 100 watts, so they need it up at 300 watts.
And the revving dude? Again, this cannot because the car needs moving. Why would it be needing moving in the middle of the night? What would have changed by the time morning comes? Why not move it using, say, 2000 revs, instead of 5000? I'll tell you why. Because the intention is to piss people off.
This isn't a party situation, where it is a Saturday night, and it happens once in a while, or even once a month. This is an ongoing deal.
There is even dude there who is such a little pr*ck that he spins the wheels at every start. This isn't just outside his own house, it is all around the village, according to what I hear from people who are the 'in crowd' and were born in the village, and are ticked off.
He doesn't even have a car that can actually spin the wheels, I think it is a Neon or something - he has to rev the crap out of it, and dump the clutch to use the flywheel weight to get the tires to chirp. I haven't seen or heard him lately, maybe he broke a driveshaft. I hope so. Pity it didn't burst into flames with him inside it, the little dork.
I have people I don't know coming up to me in the village, and asking "Who are the people who moved in to that house next door to you? They are very noisy all the time, and drive way too fast while there are children around."
And I reply that I heard that it was a young guy who rents out rooms to his friends, who appear to suffer from insecurity issues or other mental problems.
But, I have a plan. I am selling. They Win. But I win too.
I could fight, I could smoke the tires on my old V8 car at 4 am, after THEY get to sleep.
But, I will just move to the city. It is quieter there, and if it isn't, the city cops soon fix that.