Take a good look at the picture of the multi-lane highway above. It is outside an Industrial Park, and as you can see the name of the place is Truro.
So, we know where Truro is, right? It is in the county of Cornwall, England, so the vehicle lights will confirm that, as the vehicles are clearly driving on the left hand side of the road.
But NO ! It is in Canada! Check the picture below. check the flag on the right - it is outside a business that is located on the Number 2 Highway, Truro Nova Scotia just outside the town centre, where the Industrial Park is located. It is a Canadian flag.
Now, you all have heard of the province of Nova Scotia, right? That is just one of the places that has soundly drafted food regulations, but ones that are not enforced, and where those who are paid by the taxpayers to enforce those food regulations say that all is well because the coffee shops that have the exposed food with flies crawling and copulating on it, those coffee shops have a 'Food Safety Program'.
So, we have the food being regulated to the standards, or lack of them, that are set and controlled by a private profit-making corporation, and we have the signs from other countries to show how the business is moving.
Maybe the vehicles are all going backwards, and moving the business AWAY from Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada!
And this illustrates the typical level of attention to simple detail that is missing throughout North America. Because if you for a moment imagine that this is just a Nova Scotia problem, think again.
All levels of corporations, municipalities, and governments are being run by morons, buffoons, and idiots who don't even know how to check their own work. But they do know how to collect their fat pay-cheques and pensions that we, the taxpayers, are handing out to them.